11A CAVALOR BRONCHIX LIQUID® - Supports the upper respiratory tract, especially in case of coughing due to irritation 1l

  • 280.00 zł
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działanie: respiratory system

Indication for use
Cavalor Bronchix Liquid® is a preparation to support respiration . Coughing due to irritation can have a variety of causes: inhaled dust, substances that provoke irritation of the respiratory system, a sudden change in weather conditions or hypersensitivity. Tickling cough is often of a temporary nature but it is nevertheless annoying and troublesome for the horse. Some irritations are intermittent, i.e. they keep on returning. In all cases a specialist should be consulted in order to determine the cause and take appropriate measures. In the horse's natural habitat, herbs and plants play an important role in keeping the respiratory system in good condition. In particular, the juices and oils of fresh herbs and plants have a curative and regulating effect. Generally speaking, however, most raw stock and feed concentrate currently available lack these substances.

Composition and safety of the product
Cavalor Bronchix Liquid® is a liquid preparation consisting of juices and oils of plants and herbs that are known for their relieving and relaxing effect. Thanks to its special composition the result of Cavalor Bronchix Liquid® is relatively quickly noticable, which not only makes the horse's breathing easier but also has a beneficial effect on the entire bronchial system. Cavalor Bronchix Liquid® is a tried and tested product in equine top sport and is often prescribed as a supplemental maintenance therapy following medication. Cavalor Bronchix Liquid® contains a.o.: (see packaging for label values) a blend of plant extracts, including eucalyptus, lemon and rosemary.

Dosage per animal per day
Sprinkle 25 ml twice a day over the feed, or dissolve in the drinking water, for a minimum of 5 days. Bronchix Liquid® is also used a few days prior to competition for an optimal respiratory tract condition. Maximum dose: 100 ml per animal per day.

Product safety information
Manufacturer information

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