YARROWIA Equinox Gastro 1,5 kg

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działanie: układ pokarmowy, wspomaganie wątroby

YARROWIA Equinox Gastro 1,5 kg


Equinox Gastro is a preparation based on the unique Yarrowia lipolytica yeast and essential fatty acid ethyl esters. The preparation effectively supports the healing of stomach ulcers by reducing the symptoms of ulcer syndrome in horses.

  • counteracts the symptoms of digestive system diseases

    thanks to the prebiotic properties of yeast, which stimulate the growth of the gastrointestinal microflora, as well as to the presence of mint, chamomile and anise, digestive disorders are inhibited and the symptoms associated with gastrointestinal diseases are reduced. Thus, the risk of collars, diarrhea and other consequences caused by improper nutrition, diet change or stress is reduced

  • effectively supports the healing process of stomach ulcers and contributes to the reduction of ulceration (according to the EGUS scale)

    highly absorbed minerals contained within Yarrowia lipolytica yeast, a whole range of exogenous amino acids, the presence of unsaturated fatty acid ethyl esters and the addition of herbs that positive influence digestive processes, support the healing process of stomach ulcers in horses, and reduce the degree of ulceration. In addition, licorice root supports the regeneration of irritated stomach mucosa, and thus the healing of stomach ulcers. It promotes the reduction of clinical symptoms of peptic ulcer syndrome in horses. The presence of fennel helps in reducing smooth muscle tone and increases peristaltic movements at the same time, restoring the proper course of digestive processes

  • affects the suppression of bleeding erosion of the gastric mucosa

    thanks to the content of phytobiotics, beta-glucans contained in the Yarrowia lipolytica yeast cell wall, and various herbs supporting the proper functioning of the digestive system, this preparation strengthens the animal's body, supports the regeneration of the gastric mucosa, inhibits erosive tissue bleeding and supports the development of healthy tissue.

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