HorseLine ImmunoTheraphy 540g

  • 129.00 zł
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działanie: resistance

HorseLine ImmunoTheraphy 540g

High-quality complementary feed intended for horses whose immune system requires additional support. Effectively activates the immune response of the whole organism, especially in cases of loss of fitness and reduced training efficiency as well as in stressful situations (transport, competition, stay in the clinic, change of the stable).

Vitamin C contained in the extract of wild rose is characterized by the highest bioavailability, already a small dose has a beneficial effect on the reduction of oxidative stress in cells. Betaglukane supports the viability of macrophages that are the first defense line of the immune system. The yeast supplement performs a probiotic function.
The use of the preparation does not give any side effects.

Attention! In order to obtain the best results, the preparation should be administered regularly, because the activity of the immune system lasts 72 hours.

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