Hoof's Help Supplement for hoof regeneration 1000g

  • 229.00 zł
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działanie: joint support

Hoof's Help Supplement for hoof regeneration

The formula is enriched with New Zealand mussel extract (a natural source of silicic acid) and biogenic sulfur, which is crucial for the strong hoof slats cohesion ,  allows to create extremely strong can structure. 

The 1000g package is enough for 60 days.


The high concentration of biotin, zinc and micronutrients in chelated form guarantees excellent bioavailability. The product is recommended in cases of exceptionally poor hoof condition (fragile, brittle, cracking, slowly growing) requiring rapid regeneration, improvement of growth rate, greater flexibility and hoof box strength. For the production of this preparation we used the highest quality premium grade materials certified: HG (Human Grade).

– slow hoof horn growth
– bad condition of the hoof cap (fragile, brittle, cracking)
– after suffering injuries and diseases

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