DOLFOS Horsemix® Biotin Tabs 150 sztuk

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działanie: support for hooves and fur
kind: suplements

They support the regeneration of hooves and skin.
DOLFOS Horsemix® Biotin Tabs 150 sztuk



he main ingredients of Horsemix® Biotin Tabs are biotin and zinc:

  • recommended in case of problems with maintaining healthy hooves and skin
  • the preparation supports the proper formation of the structure of the hoof capsule and the regular growth of the hoof horn, which should be characterized by appropriate elasticity, hardness, flexibility and be resistant to mechanical factors or injuries
  • thanks to the content of specialized ingredients, e.g. diatomite, extracts of nettle and wild rose, omega acids,
  • the preparation also contributes to the improvement of the condition of the skin and coat.


Indications for use Horsemix® Biotin:

• in case of problems with maintaining healthy hooves and skin
• brittle, cracking, soft, slow-growing hooves
• supports the treatment of laminitis or the risk of laminitis
• with dry skin and dull coat
• with skin allergies.



  • In foal and lactating mares: 8-12g/day/horse (2-3 scoops)
  • Sport horses: 8g/day/horse (2 scoops), with major changes 12g/day/horse (3 scoops)
  • Youth (up to 3 years): 4g/day/horse (1 scoop)

Recommended duration of use: up to 8 weeks.
Before using the mixture or before extending the period of use, consult a nutritionist or veterinarian.



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